Dainius Trumpis’ exhibition of installations “And the Grass will Cover It All” is exhibited at the Exhibition Hall of Klaipėda Culture Communication Centre (KCCC) (2 Didžioji Vandens St., Klaipėda) since 4 pm Friday, 7th May, 2021.
The entire exhibition consists of completely different stories, eras and geographical areas, which at a certain moment merge into one sense, image and thought.
Dainius Trumpis „And the Grass will Cover It All“,
Photo by Peteris Rucis
The author’s childhood memories from the pioneer camp intertwine with the experience of wandering around the cities and villages of militarized Syria. The memories of awe-inspiring assembly halls, swimming pools that made children feel ashamed of their nudity, gyms that inspired them to dream of small pointless victories, factories where you worked a lot and tiringly, hospitals with their exceptional smells and thoughts of submerging into silence, when you heard patients moaning at nights. The memories of the construction sites in the area of blocks of flats used to turn into unfathomable playgrounds for children and into bleak giant house skeletons, where feelings of fear, excitement, curiosity, gloom, mystery and joy mingled. All those things are joined by the invisible threads of these stories into dramatic knots. The personal story becomes a mix of past delusions.
Everything has turned into ruins with their own sad aesthetics, memories and … flair – the flair for upcoming events. It seems like gentle and close human horror. And all this looks like a sense of the repetition of the past events and the presentiment of the future reality.
Dainius Trumpis „And the Grass will Cover It All“,
Photo by Peteris Rucis
Peace floods when you realize that the grass will cover it all again.
Dainius Trumpis (b. 1971) studied painting at Šiauliai University (2009) and Helsinki University of Art and Design TAIK (in 2008, under the international exchange program Erasmus / Socrates), and obtained a master’s degree in art. He has organized nearly 30 solo exhibitions in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, India, Morocco, France, Kazakhstan, Finland and Great Britain. He has participated in more than 30 group exhibitions and international projects in Lithuania, India, Latvia, Morocco, France, Germany, Great Britain, China, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Finland and others. The artist has been twice awarded the Šiauliai City Art and Culture Prize, three times he has been given an individual state scholarship for culture and art creators. In 2012 the author was awarded a special prize “For a Different Look” at the exhibition of the Contemporary Art Centre “Painting in Lithuania”. The artist is a member of the Lithuanian Artists’ Union. He currently lives and works in Šiauliai.
Dainius Trumpis „And the Grass will Cover It All“
The exhibition has been organized by Vilnius City Hall, the project is financed by the Lithuanian Culture Council.
The exhibition will run until 6th June 2021.
KCCC Exhibition Hall (2 Didžioji Vandens St., Klaipėda) working hours: Wednesday – Sunday 11 am – 7 pm. (closed on public holidays).
In case of the lock down restrictions, it is necessary for the visitors of KCCC Exhibition Hall to comply with certain requirements: to purchase tickets online at or paying by a bank card at the cash desk of the Exhibition Hall. Everyone older than 6 years of age should wear a mask to protect the mouth and nose and to disinfect the hands. A distance of 2 meters should be observed in the exhibition halls. Visitors are admitted in groups of no more than two people (this restriction does not apply to families).