Shelter, 2024
site-specific installation
M-2 Building M, Disused power plant, Danės g. 8
Is there a shelter in the city? And where are the people? Here they are – in bunches, branches, roots, from sights, paintings, screens, sunsets, panoramas, concerts, stadiums, meetings, eaters, listeners, passers-by, passengers. There they are, a crowd marching by. Here they are, written in verse instead of words. Faces that do not exist. Mutated faces. They are struggling. They are waiting. They seek refuge. And here’s a big face that they are afraid of, but they like it. They squeeze into that one big face, it shelters them. They become his eyebrows, his hair, his moustache, his ears, his noses, his mouths.
In this site-specific installation in an abandoned industrial building on the site of the former Klaipėda power plant, Sharapova alludes to the narrow boundaries between the individual and the masses, the people and the crowd, acceptance and hatred, manipulation and responsibility, hope and reality, fear and brainwashing, security and aggression, and to the fact that the myth of the “Saviour” can sometimes become a very dangerous thing.
Paulina Pukytė, Jurga Šarapova

Organiser: Klaipėda Culture Communication Centre.
Funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture and Klaipėda City Municipality.