Guided tours in Jonas Mekas, Remigijus Pačėsa and Augustinas Našlėnas photography exhibitions

Within the project’s seminars week „Visual communication: from business philosophy to social contexts“ and during the public lectures KCCC also offers participants opportunity to see art works of Jonas Mekas, Remigijus Pačėsa and Augustinas Našlėnas photography exhibitions which started from 07.11.2018 and lasts till 02.12.2018 at KCCC Exhibition Hall. Arts is one of the creative industries, and presence of cultural events in society helps creating the special atmosphere and shapes the general wellbeing of society. To become an artist and to be represented in public exhibitions, is a result of meticulous work, including curatorship, production, management and other practical work, which is also the contents of KCCC’s present workshop. Such exhibitions is a demonstration of successful operation within the field of creative industries, and synergy of multi-disciplinary skills.

You are welcome to guided tours in KCCC Exhibition Hall (Wednesday to Sunday, 11a.m.- 7 p.m.). No advance registration required.

 More informatio about the seminars of the project…