ES Projektai
Open call for applications for Kuldigas Creative Summer School is launched within the framework of the project “Paradigm shift from “traditional” to creative industries – the essence for sustainable regional development”
Kuldīga Artists’ Residence, Kuldiga District Municipality announces an open-call for applications to Kuldiga Creative Summer School “Service Design. Education and the 21st Century.” Participants will have an opportunity to learn the approach and methods of service design, and do it by learning through doing. The Summer School will take place from August 13 to 17 in Kuldiga.
The case study of this year’s summer school is related to the field of social design – to create innovative, applicable ideas for educational contents and methods for secondary schools in Latvia. The case study of the project is based on existing culture colleges in Latvia, and participants will have the opportunity in a week’s time to learn how to apply service design methods to develop contemporary educational solutions for the 21st century student.
Participants will learn service design method, including problem definition, research, co-working and co-creation, prototyping, testing, and implementation of the solution. Knowledge gained during the summer school will allow participants in future to use it as an instrument for implementing service design methods in their professional operation and career development.
Kuldiga Artists’ Residence collaborates with the Art Academy of Latvia since 2016 in order to establish the Art and Creativity Cluster in Kuldiga by 2020, and an international master’s degree program in the field of Service Design Strategies and Innovations will also be introduced as part of the Cluster’s services. The focus of Kuldīga Art and Creativity Cluster is expansion of the service design industry in Latvia.
Kuldiga Creative Summer School is being organized within the scope of cooperation project No. LLI-338 “Paradigm shift from “traditional” to creative industries – the essence for sustainable regional development” (CCI & Sustainability) with support of Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020. The Lead Partner is Kuldiga District Council, collaboration partners – Klaipeda Culture Communication Center (Klaipeda Council), Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts and NGO “Liepaja Creative Industry Cluster”. Total budget of the project is EUR 220 193,06 including ERDF financing EUR 187 164,08.
Participation fee for 4 participants from Lithuania is covered within the project CCI & Sustainability, including accommodation, catering and tutorship. Information about the project and the application template for Kuldiga Creative Summer School is available > Pašvaldība > Projekti. Contact Person: Head of Kuldiga Artists’ Residence Ilze Supe
This information is prepared with European Union financial support. The content of this information is entirely under the responsibility of Kuldiga District Council, and in no circumstances can it be considered an official position of the European Union.
For further information:
Ilze Supe, Head of Kuldiga Artists Residency