„Akmenukai prie jūros / Pebbles by the Sea”. Grupės menininkų paroda
Sausio 31 d. 17:30 val. Klaipėdos kultūrų komunikacijų centre (KKKC) atidaroma grupės menininkų paroda „Akmenukai prie jūros / Pebbles by the Sea”, veiksianti iki kovo 2 dienos.
„Šiandien bimbinėjimas virsta metabimbinėjimu. Pirminė parodos idėja buvo polinkis kalbėti apie tam tikrą veiklą, kuri dažniausiai apibūdinama kaip nieko neveikimas. Tokia veikla, kuri užima laiką ir dažniausiai formaliai neatneša rezultatų. Produktyvių rezultatų. Kilo noras išsiaiškinti, ar tokios veiklos padariniai priverčia mus jaustis nestabiliai? Ar bijome tokios būsenos, plevendami atsitiktinių kasdienybės įvykių laike?
Loitering is evolving into meta-loitering. The original idea of this exhibition was the tendency to discuss a certain activity usually characterized as “doing nothing”. An activity that consumes time yet typically yields no formal results. Productive results. The aim was to explore whether the consequences of such activity make us feel unsettled. Are we afraid of this state of being, of drifting aimlessly through the random events of everyday life?
As it happens, we are afraid of what is uncertain, what we don’t know, what is empty. We feel uncomfortable when words are missing. We feel uncomfortable when we waste time. And yet we struggle to keep up. Information overload, desire overload, positivity overload. This excess fosters passivity in the sense that one is forced to obey the order imposed by a society of achievements. Every conscious action becomes like the dance of Saint Vitus—bodily movements, performed unwillingly by the spirit.
Today, our fatigue unites us. Byung-Chul Han, a Korean philosopher living in Germany, in his book The Burnout Society, opposes the expression “I am tired” to another—“we are tired.” Fatigue, when acknowledged and shared with others, brings a certain joy—the joy of recognizing our own state of being and knowing that others may feel the same. We play, throwing pebbles into the sea or collecting them without purpose, forgetting our passivity, our inaction, our emptiness.